Young Harris Georgia
Young Harris Georgia is in Towns County. It is a Georgia mountain community bordering North Carolina. Towns County Georgia has been blessed with an many natural resources. Lush Forest are teaming with wildlife coupled with sparkling streams. With 106,240 acres in the county, especially relevant is the 57,503 acres of the Chattahoochee National Forest. With around 12,493 people in the county, Young Harris is the smaller town with 1,327 residents. However, The local college raises that number most of the year. Not to mention is located in a fertile agricultural valley and has many scenic community parks to enjoy the natural beauty of the area.
Young Harris College

Young Harris College
This town is also the home of Young Harris College. Young Harris College is a private, four-year Methodist-affiliated liberal arts college. The school was founded there in 1886. When the students are in session the community’s population rises with it’s 1,120 students. Young Harris College has a State-of-the-art campus center. Featuring banquet hall, student center and dining space, climbing tower, cross country trail, recreational hiking trails. It also has 12 tennis courts, state-of-the-art recreation and fitness center, 18-hole disc golf course, indoor climbing wall, low ropes course, and indoor track.

Young Harris College
The college assets to the community are many. The Rollins planetarium is a real gem. One of the largest planetariums in the state of Georgia. It houses a Spitz System 512 projector under a 40-foot-diameter dome. It seats 111 people in comfortable reclined chairs. The planetarium is open to the public on Friday evenings at 8 pm. There is no admission charge. Reservations are a

Rollins Planetarium Young Harris College
good idea as it fills up fast.
From rustic cabins to executive estates, Young Harris Georgia in Towns County has something for everyone. Visit the enchanted Blue Ridge mountains and valleys of Young Harris, Georgia. Or check out Hiawassee Georgia in Towns county in the North Georgia mountains.
Towns County Chamber of Commerce
1411 Fuller Circle
Young Harris, GA 30582
Toll Free: 800-984-1543
Phone: 706-896-4966
Fax: 706-896-5441